1. Can anyone wear any product?

Anyone can wear our products with no side effects. However, it is recommended to wear your own piece, as each product is energetically aligned for one person, enhancing its positive effects.

2. Any long-term side effects of wearing these products?

There are no long-term side effects associated with wearing our products. Even if you don't believe in the energy aspect, you can still wear our jewellery as a style statement with zero side effects.

3. How are your products energized?

Our products are energized through special meditation, sound healing, and mantra chanting. Each piece is consecrated with aligned positive energies to promote well-being. Every product goes through a step process that we call as "MAGIC" M: Meditating with an Intention A: Aligning the idea into Product Concept G: Giving a Beautiful Shape & Form to each Product I: Infusing specific sound frequencies and healing C: Covering with the Protective Energy Shield

4. I have bought one product from you. Can it be worn by any of my family members as well?

While anyone can wear our products, it is better for each individual to have their own piece, as it is energetically aligned specifically for one person.

5. If I don't believe in any sort of energy aspect, can I still wear your jewellery?

Certainly! You can wear our jewellery purely as a style statement without believing in the energy aspect, and it will have zero side effects.

6. Can I get the jewellery customized as per my requirement?

Yes, we offer customization services. Please consult us at selflovejewels@gmail.com, and our team will assist you through the customization process.

7. I want the same product design but in a different base material (14K, 18K, or 22K Gold). Is it possible?

Absolutely! For product customization in different base materials, kindly send us an email at selflovejewels@gmail.com, and our team will reach out to guide you through the process.

8. I purchased a silver product from you, and it is tarnishing quickly. What do I do?

If your silver product tarnishes, it may be due to excessive sweat and high toxin levels. Regular detoxification is advisable to maintain pH levels in the body and preserve the product's quality.

9. Can we meditate while wearing this product?

Yes, it is highly advisable to meditate while wearing our products. Many clients have reported a positive shift in consciousness through this practice.

10. Can we sleep while wearing this product?

Depending on the product, some clients find improved sleep while wearing them, while for others, it's recommended to remove them before sleeping to extend the product's lifespan.

11. What are the after-care recommendations to keep the product in its best form?

To ensure your jewellery retains its beauty for years to come, store it in airtight bags in a cool, dry place. Avoid contact with chemicals, perfumes, water bath and excessive moisture. Use a soft cloth to gently clean your jewellery if needed. Best to remove it before sleeping.