Aaira Kaurr
What is the Symbolism Behind Evil Eye Jewellery?
Hey, have you ever seen jewellery that has a blue shaped beautiful eye on it? ...
Aaira Kaurr
What is Shree Chakra? Benefits of Shree Chakra
Have you ever noticed a special symbol that holds ancient wisdom and promises to change...
Aaira Kaurr
Does Chanting "Om Namah Shivaya " Ward Off an Evil Eye or Malefic Effects of Grahas?
Hey, have you ever observed the vibes of someone making you feel dragged down? Or...
Aaira Kaurr
Seven Chakras Jewellery: Exploring the Basics and Its Deep Spiritual Relevance
Picture yourself as you're having an amazing party celebrating with your friends. You are having...
Aaira Kaurr
Understanding the Meaning and Importance of 8 Auspicious Buddhist Symbols in Jewellery
Hey, have you ever noticed some people wearing unique jewellery with symbols like a spinning...
Aaira Kaurr
Discovering Harmony: The Healing Power of Sound
The Essence of Sound Healing Sound surrounds us constantly, but have you ever considered its...